Club Profile

The Pegasus Riding Club was formed in July 1982 by fifteen founding members.  Their chief aim was to encourage riding as a sport and recreation, to promote good fellowship amongst riders and to improve and maintain a standard of riding and horsemanship.  We have carried their dream on and nearly 40 years later Pegasus Riding Club is one of the main clubs catering for adult riders in the Canterbury area. PRC looks forward to celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2022.

Due to the wide range of members the club has and their assortment of age and ability of both horse and rider, we endeavor to cater for all levels.  The Committee organises and runs monthly rallies which the club subsidise. These are held on a mix of Saturdays or Sundays and can include instruction from either our own members or guest instructors. We enjoy a very wide range of activities and mix it up each month, some of the things we like to do include dressage, jumping, cowboy challenge, ground work, working equitation, games, barn/new facility visits, camping and trekking.  Admittedly we may not get to do all of these in a one year period, however, we do our best to cater to all our members.

We hold several competitions, events and social functions each year which give our members a chance to compete, socialise and generate funds to support the club and keep subs low. PRC also participates and often hosts annual team interclub events giving members the opportunity to represent their club at fun events competing and socialising with members from other clubs. The Harris Trophy for dressage and Pegasus Trophy for dressage and jumping/obstacles (which was started by Pegasus Riding Club in 2003), the next trophy day is March 2022 and will be hosted jointly with Equitrain NZ.

Like many other Riding Clubs in the Canterbury area, we have no grounds of our own but use various pony clubs and private properties and try to move around to cater for our wide spread members, and keep it interesting for horses and riders alike. Please note - we are not based at Pegasus North Canterbury, we simply share a name.

Our committee members are always trying to come up with new ideas for rallies and competitions and we encourage ideas from all our members as at the end of the day we are here to help, encourage and improve both the horse the rider. If you have any questions please get in touch either by email to or, to direct message a committee member using FB messenger choose the second FaceBook F symbol in the website header.

We look forward to hearing from you.